The Forest Apothecary serves as an ecclectic online compilation of some of my herbal recipes, plant ponderings and insights.

I hope you find my notes here useful and enjoyable.

~ Green Blessings ~

Plant Ponderings ... Yarrow

February 2009
Plant Ponderings ... Yarrow

Don't want to get your hopes up, nothing is blooming yet, and the lack of vegetation in my little neck of the woods is causing me to have some withdrawal symptoms. I've been dreaming of having fresh herbs again, mulling over what I'll grow this year, and missing the return of some of my old green friends. I started taking inventory of my tinctures made from last year's harvest. Some almost empty, and some I'd even forgotten having put up--that was a nice surprise. Yarrow was one of the "lost but found" tinctures I found residing in the cool darkness of my herb cupboard. Thank goodness it was clearly labeled, so no mystery involved in its identification :) I love my herb cupboard. It's in a little area set off from the kitchen where my husband put up some extra shelving and counter space for me, but it could use some organization (adding another chore to my ever growing spring to-do list). In any case, let's not get too off-track as I often do (they don't call me the woodland-wanderer for nothing) this yarrow has a bit of a story. I started exploring the woods and lake near my home more seriously last year, and was happy to discover lots of lovely yarrow growing wild, undisturbed, unsprayed and plentiful. I have never grown yarrow myself, and promptly got started checking my online references, books, and favorite herby blogs to be sure I had the right plant. Feeling certain, and slightly devious, I prepared for our next early morning hike, this time adding a small shovel, large baggie with damp paper towels, and my official wild-crafter's badge. Just kidding about the badge, but there is a pretty serious-looking park policeman that I've seen on rounds there before, so one never knows it could come in handy. I went to the pretty little spot where the yarrow was growing, made certain there was lots of it nearby, gave thanks, and dug up a small bit, while my husband patrolled the area, instructed to hoot like a screech owl if there should be a threat to my herbal-highjacking. All went without mishap, and once home I immediately transplanted it with care in a large pot on my deck. It took off beautifully, and soon delicate white flowers and ferny soft leaves abounded! I ended up making a tincture of its leaves and flowers in grain alcohol, and there it has sat since. Patiently waiting.

Yarrow's Latin name is Achillea millefolium. The name comes from Achilles, the Greek warrior because legend has it that he stopped bleeding on the battlefield when using this plant as a poultice. I'm happy to say it grows easily in my area as a perennial. It comes in pink, yellow and white varieties, mine being the white which is strongest for herbal medicine. Yarrow is one of the best herbs to use to prevent congestion from building up in the lungs, and to break up existing congestion. Yarrow tea is a good remedy for severe colds and to help reduce fever. When used externally it can help with cuts and wounds, and can even be used as a bug repellant, which I fully intend to try out this year.
I look forward to Yarrow making its appearance in my garden this year, and welcome learning about other uses for Yarrow... or any herbal insights for that matter, from any of you other "wild-crafters" out there!

Green Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Hoot like a Screech Owl... Funny! I'm glad to hear that my Hubby isn't the only one that stands guard.....
    I transplanted some Yarrow here and it has made itself at home quite well in my garden. :0)
